Just needing to publish a post

I've not written in a while on my blog because I've been more focused on my monthly newsletter and Twitter engagement. At least that's what I've told myself. In reality, it's because my sense of identity is in a big personal shift, ebbing and flowing. Am I doing what makes me happy? What do I

The biggest realization I've had this past year is I'm not alone in these feelings and it's oddly comforting. In fact, there is a 'community' on Twitter of folks I've stumbled across that are also searching for how to break the mold they've cast for themselves. They've worked in big tech, big consulting, startups, and sweaty jobs and are all in search of the same thing: a life of choice: choosing what to work on, when to work, and with whom they want to work.

The more I've interacted and actually spoke to folks on the phone or in DMs the more comfort is brings that this pit in my stomach is not mine alone. That others are experiencing this as well.

But I do plan to write more this year. As a way to work through my thoughts and to give myself permission to be wrong, change my mind, and just more space for thinking.

Lots of big changes coming. Excited and nervous. Both good feelings!

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