
I remember starting this blog in winter of 2009. For Christmas I got an HTML for Dummies book. One of the exercises was to build a web page which turned into the V0 of nikfuller.com.

Sitting at our kitchen table in the suburbs of Atlanta, I worked through that whole book by the time 2nd semester of freshman year was back in session. At 18 (almost 19) years old and still not quite sure who I was, I started logging my journey in this blog.

And here I am12 years later, a lot more grey hairs, and a stronger sense of self I write to tell you, my 6 subscribers, that Connie and I are expecting our first child. A baby boy.

We could not be any more excited!

I'll pontificate (son - you can google that one) more on fatherhood later I'm sure but for now that's all I wanted to let you know. This kid is becoming a dad.



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