What Else?

This is quickly becoming my favorite phrase.

My favorite sales manager and friend uses this all the time when speaking to customers and whenever we just catch up to vent with each other. At first it was a bit jarring, 'What do you mean what else? I just complained for 15 minutes.' But then I found myself looking for more things to talk about.

I first took notice of her using the phrase during customer calls. At the end of a demo or catchup with a customer she'd just say, 'what else?' and wait for the customer to take the lead. And it usually ended in 'nothing, we're great' or 'oh yeah, what about this xyz thing?'

I now use this in my 1-1s, interviews, and customer calls. It's a simple yet powerful way to show interest in the person, to pull more information out than you would normally receive, and to go that extra step in helping someone.

It's easy to rush off a call and on to the next one but what will help you stand out is to showcase your genuine interest in the person and conversation you're having. Would recommend adopting this phase and see what comes next.

What phrases or strategies do you use to help make people feel heard?


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