Cantonese Video Introduction

I set a challenge for myself in my first Cantonese blog post. I challenged myself to record a video introduction. With one hour left in the day, I (mostly) completed my challenge. I didn't memorize it. The tones are still giving me trouble. I'm still very choppy but I think setting these tough but reachable goals will benefit me in the long term.

Here's the phrase I had translated by my italki teacher.

Hello,  it’s nice to meet you. My name is Nik and I’m from Atlanta. I have one older brother who lives in Utah and a dog named Donkey. I’m marrying Connie next May at a park and I’m very excited. 

Here's the Cantonese jyutping translation I attempted speaking:

daai6gaa1  hou2 aa3! hou2  hoi1 sam1 gin3 dou2 daai6gaa1 !

ngo5 giu3 Nik, ngo5 lai4 zi6  Aa3dak6 laan4 daai6.

ngo5 jau5 jat1 go3 go4 go1 ,keoi5 zyu6 hai6 Jau4 taa1 zau1 ,ngo5  jau5  jat1  zek3 gau2 ,giu3 Donkey.

ngo5 ming4 nin2 ng5 jyut6 wui6 tung4 Connie  hai2 jat1 go3 gung1 jyun2 git3 fan1. ngo5 hou2 kei4 doi6 !


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