The Big 2-4

Gandhi once said, "You only turn 24 once, so throw a party."*


Sometime in early December I had an idea scratching at the back of my mind. I wanted to have a birthday party and invite all my friends but instead of bouncing between the different pockets of people I wanted something different. I wanted a theme and what better theme than Sharktank! It was an investment themed party where people pitched their business ideas.

I wrote up the Facebook event a month before the big day, recorded a hype video and waited until the new year to send it out. I wanted to invite people sooner but didn't want to seem too desparate. I was just so excited for the idea! I called it the Dog House since Sharks and Dragons were already taken, plus Donkey is really cute as a billionaire bad boy.

Here's the event description:

When I see myself in 5 years I'm not working for someone else; I'm working with my friends on a passion and by year 6 we're retired on a beach after we sold out. Come ready to pitch your idea and receive an "investment" that could change your life. Welcome to the Dog House.

Runner ups!

In an effort to focus the event I requested that people do not bring gifts. I wanted ideas not giftcards. For those that didn't want to pitch their business idea I asked they comment on this blog. (I'm not ashamed to take advantage of my situation!) Not everyone followed the rules so thank you for those that did bring gifts. It made the night that much more special.

Please don't bring gifts. All I want for my birthday is for you to either a) pitch a business idea or b) make a comment on my blog.


I provided a Google Doc for friends to submit their business ideas to get them thinking and organized. I kicked the event off with a rousing battle cry of "down with the man" and preaching about how  we should all work for ourselves.

10 groups signed up and I think everyone pitched their idea.There's nothing like standing up in front of 35 people and saying, "This is who I am and this what I want to make." It was really inspiring! All in all it took an hour and a half for everyone to pitch filled with lots of laughter and applause. Some useful connections were made that will hopefully bring these great ideas into reality.

I want to thank everyone who came out and made my 24th one to remember!

* Ghandi may not have said this


or to participate.