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2012 New Year's Resolutions
If there ever is a time to make grandiose promises that we won't keep, it's now. In order to avoid guaranteed disappointment around my birthday (1/23) because I haven't bought the Ferrari I promised I would on New Year's Eve, I am resoluting to make realistic resolutions this year. What a truly terrifically tricky tongue tie that was. I've compiled a short list to accomplish if I put a little umph into my 2012 step.
Below is the list of my resolutions with a brief explanation as to why I chose them:
Get a 3.50 overall GPA
Let's start with the classic "get better grades" resolution but there's a twist. I'm not asking for a late Christmas miracle or trying to slip Santa a $20 to give some holiday cheer to my teachers. I'm just trying to bring my GPA up from a 3.47 to a 3.50. That's .03 points! Deceivingly easy sounding but I'll have to manage my work schedule wisely to keep school at the forefront of everything.
Explore more of Atlanta
As I peruse the tumblr site I've slacked off on, I continuously see areas of Atlanta that bewilder and excite me. I've been here almost three years and have explored a lot of downtown as a Georgia State University student. But I rarely visit other areas of Atlanta. I'd like to change that throughout the year.
Get on a regular workout schedule
Another standard "stop being lazy" resolution but it's true. I'd like to get on and, here's the kicker, stick to a regular workout schedule. Simple as that. Stay active, play some volleyball, work on my cardio and strength. #Lehgo.
Create podcast of family stories before year end
This one should be fun. Ever listen to stories from your grandparents and just wish they would shut up? Well, this is not a podcast for you. Sometimes my grandpa tells the silliest of stories.
Example: His parents are straight from Germany and a little old school. His dad (my great grandfather) made him take accordion lessons. Well, Poppy (my grandfather) was a bit of a problem child. He hated the lessons, especially walking there with the 30 lb. instrument. One fateful afternoon, he figured out a way to get out of lessons forever: poke holes in the bellows. So he did. Boy did he get in trouble. His dad made sure he'd never make that mistake again.
^The story is told better with an old man voice and a devious smile to accompany it. I want my children to hear this story told by my grandfather along with many, many others. I'm not the best story re-teller, and feel this is a great way to store all these memories. Feel free to pester me into starting and continuing this project.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?